“We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.” – Frank Tibolt.
You don’t have to be sad or angsty to generate good art. It’s easy to be tricked in to thinking that way because there’s a strong correlation between emotional turmoil and creative output. But it’s a fallacy to assume that one causes the other. When you’re miserable, you feel a stronger push to release your negative emotions; as an artist, you understand the value of catharsis through words, so your output tends to increase.
Remember, it’s not the emotion, it’s not the angst, it’s you. You can create whenever you want to. Don’t wait to “feel inspired.” Sit down and free-write for half an hour every day. Don’t worry about having something to say. If you give that part of your brain exercise, it’ll give back to you in spades in the form of stronger writing.